Sunday, February 18, 2007

Green Festival - Chicago - Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day at Green Festival
Chicago, IL - April 21-22, 2007

Show Hours
Saturday 10AM- 8PM
Sunday 11AM- 6PM

Venue Name and Address
McCormick Place/ Lakeside
2301 S. Lake Shore
Drive Chicago IL 60616

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Greenish City

Mick Dumke of the Chicago Reader posted a wonderful article on how the city of Chicago stands up to it's title of "The Greenest City." He makes a list of pros and cons...please read!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

1997 Kyoto Protocol

Egads.....Heavens to Mergatroid. Many countries have failed to meet targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions laid out in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The United States has never ratified the pact. And on Friday, the Bush administration reiterated its rejection of imposed cuts on greenhouse gases. USA did not go to the international meeting in Paris led by Jacques Chirac. Meanwhile, if a butterfly in the jungle of the Amazon can be felt on the Southside of Chicago, the question is: When will leaders, and humanity (lack of a better word) wake up to acts of social sustainability - that conversation creates change on a local level and global? With this work, we are trying to connect people, create collaboration in a new way that can maybe, just maybe make change and inspire new ways of industry to collaborate in the production of the world economy. Yes, albeit a grand gesture, and large idea. Gotta start somewhere.

We met with Farris Wahbeh from the Center for Intutive and Outsider Art. Intuit, often purchases at auction estates of particular artists. The estate can include, floor, walls, ceiling, and everything in the space. Art for arts sake? This is a sustainable action, historicism with respect for the past, as well as understanding a new invention of the word - re-use, re-claimed.
Egads.....Heavens to Mergatroid. Many countries have failed to meet targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions laid out in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The United States has never ratified the pact. And on Friday, the Bush administration reiterated its rejection of imposed cuts on greenhouse gases. USA did not go to the international meeting in Paris led by Jacques Chirac. Meanwhile, if a butterfly in the jungle of the Amazon can be felt on the Southside of Chicago, the question is: When will leaders, and humanity (lack of a better word) wake up to acts of social sustainability - that conversation creates change on a local level and global? With this work, we are trying to connect people, create collaboration in a new way that can maybe, just maybe make change and inspire new ways of industry to collaborate in the production of the world economy. Yes, albeit a grand gesture, and large idea. Gotta start somewhere.

We met with Farris Wahbeh from the Center for Intutive and Outsider Art. Intuit, often purchases at auction estates of particular artists. The estate can include, floor, walls, ceiling, and everything in the space. Art for arts sake? This is a sustainable action, historicism with respect for the past, as well as understanding a new invention of the word - re-use, re-claimed.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Febrary Begins

Yesterday we went to the Center for Neighborhood Technology. A dubious sounding name for some great people who want the world to be a better place. Yes, it sounds like abit like Noah's Ark, but I an assure you they hip to the ideas of "Green" and are keen to education and other social tenets of making change to a world that is slowly becoming big fat microwave.

Feb 2
Fertile Gardens is a beautiful Nursery on the Northside, Diversey and two block west of Ashland Ave.
The people are nice, and we might buy our tree there. Run...don't walk to this place if you can.
(who said that expression first?.........Dolly Madison, Gypsy Rose Lee ? )

Feb 3
I wanna live........Met with an engineer, he thinks that the Tree idea can work. But, it is all about the install. He asked how long it will be on the building. It would be nice longer than the show. If it can live. More coming.

Friday, February 2, 2007

January: Doug, Betsy, Jim and Chicago...

We met with Doug Garofalo today. How refreshing to know that the notion of collaboration can build a community of like minded (yes - I am like Garofalo!...pat on back motion with hand....) design, art professionals can create a dialogue about the built world. He will assist us with linking to an engineer for the work, and also had some great ideas of process with the realizing of the concepts. Interesting conversation that left Amanda and I feeling good and whistling happy tunes over coffee after the meeting. (coffee at Intelligentsia.............this is an advertisement)

January 15
Today Amanda and I just talked. It was cold, and CNN keeps predicting more global warming doom and gloom. I believe in it, but is what we are doing making a difference?...........

What day did we go to Betsy?
I am in love. Yes, people -
L - o - v - e ! Betsy V at the UIC Recycing Center will help us with the collection of the sculpture paper shred pile thingy-ma-jig. The open minded, and excitement shown by this amazing person is contagious and honest. If one of the tenets of sustainability is "social" - then Betsy has shown this through open attitude and action. My question to this collaboration is: What if the City of Chicago actually had a recycling program that was visionary, with people who have the BIG PICTURE in mind a daily construct? .....Chicago needs the chutzpah and understanding of people like this, "green city" - Chicago is not. Yes, NOT. It would take the City two months if more administrative people with attitudes that are open, and wanting to see change in this arena, not more of the same apathy and questionable process with the Almighty Dollar in mind. (euro, yen, ...insert your currency here) Change happens with open minds. This was experienced today.

January 24
Today we found some Doors in an alley. Amanda's friend, Alissa told us about them. We drove, we talked, we looked, we laughed, we cried. They were heavy doors of mahogany and pine. The doors will be part of the interior/exterior door to gallery. Jim Brenner who is an amazing, yes - amazing artist who fabricates beautiful objects and ideas of any material will make a few parts to the project. Brenner has been making these fabulous doors from found reclaimed doors, a sliding, rolling effect with beautiful wood showing. The notion of "re-use" and "re-cycle" does not have to be tacky, comical (I like these things though.....) and trite. The materials that are cast off within daily life and left in the public spaces of the city can be made into the new, organic - creating a thoughtful built world. Amanda and I consider this to be an education for us, as well as an investigation of collaboration and social responsibility. This is obvious, but if you enter the space of knowing/not knowing the uncomfort makes for good learning experiences....I 'spose.

January 26
Today we made almost 32 phone calls, and 25 emails looking for plants, coffee, paper and help.
Yes.....almost 8 hours of being an office worker. We both realized that when you say the word "artist" and "project" either people laugh, cry, hang-up the phone or are interested.